汤加丽写真 《电影产业促进法》来岁推论
The top legislature on Monday adopted a law on the film industry, promising harsh punishment for firms that fabricate box office earnings, data or information.世界东谈主大常委会周一(11月7日)通过了电影产业关系法律,欢喜对票房收入、数据或信息作秀的公司进行重办。
Film distributors and theaters will have all their illegal earnings confiscated and be fined upward of 500,000 yuan (about 73,800 U.S. dollars) if they falsify ticket sales data, according to the law.该法规定汤加丽写真,若是电影刊行方和影院对票房数据作秀,将充公其全部造孽所得,并处以50万元以内的罚金。
If their illegal earnings exceed 500,000 yuan, the fine will be up to five times their illegitimate earnings.若是造孽所得晋升50万元,则处以造孽所得5倍以内的罚金。
这次通过的《电影产业促进法》减少了审批神志(reduce number of items for approval)、裁汰了准初学槛(lower the threshold to the film industry),取消了电影制片单元审批、摄制电影片(单片)许可证审批等行政审批的神志。
1. 未经职权东谈主许可,任何东谈主不得对正在放映的电影进行灌音摄像(sound or video recording of the film without authorization is prohibited)。发现进行灌音摄像的,电影院责任主谈主员有权赐与制止,www.henhenlu并条目其删除;对拒不听从的,有权条目其离场。
2. 电影刊行企业、电影院等应当照实统计电影销售收入,提供果然准确的统计数据(Film distributors and theaters should provide authentic and accurate ticket sales data),不得摄取制造流毒交游、虚报瞒报销售收入等不高洁妙技,骗取、误导不雅众,干扰电影商场递次。
3. 摄制电影的法东谈主、其他组织应当将获取的电影公映许可证标识置于电影的片头处;电影放映可能引起未成年东谈主等不雅众肉体概况热诚不适的,应当赐与指示(There should be warning prior to the film if the content may cause physical or psychological disconfort among minors)。
酒涩网4. 演员、导演等电影从业东谈主员应当坚捏德艺双馨,顺从法律法例,尊重社会公德,坚守工作谈德,加强自律,设备精良社会形象(Personnel in the film industry should pursue both professional excellence and moral integrity, abiding by laws and regulations and building good public images)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)汤加丽写真